Tessera is accredited to carry out psychometric analysis using a range of methods, including the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® and the California Psychological Inventory™.

The MBTI is the world's most widely used instrument for understanding personality differences and provides a framework that is both reliable and valid as well as constructive and positive in its outlook. The CPI is the most widely used personality instrument for recruitment in North America and is making in-roads in Europe as the premier questionnaire for predicting behaviour in professional settings.

While the MBTI provides insight into an individual's view of their strengths and development needs, the CPI reveals how others may perceive them based on measurement of 20 personality traits. By combining the results of the MBTI and CPI we can accurately predict how an individual is likely to behave in a professional setting and assess the kind of role they may be best suited for.

Tessera advocates using the results of the CPI and the MBTI in conjunction with a number of other selection methods. As these psychometric questionnaires are indicators of personality and behaviour, any conclusions are verified by other means in the selection process.

The purpose of administering these questionnaires is to provide an objective means for assessing candidates, which offers substantial comparative and normative research and related data.

® Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a registered UK and US trademark of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. Oxford Psychologists Press Ltd is the exclusive licensee of the trademark in the UK.
™ CPI and California Psychological Inventory are trademarks of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.

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